Gadfly Buzz

Our Blog!

October 30, 2022
Changing Seasons
Let go of things that do not serve me and prepare for new things to come
September 13, 2021
The Nature to Nurture
Nature versus nurture – a big talking point in modern day psychology and ethics.
April 19, 2021
The 7-year itch
The seven-year itch is a popular belief that happiness in a long-term relationship declines after around seven years.
August 20, 2020
High Five to 5 years here!
Half a decade at GadflyZone! Completed in the blink of an eye!! When I look back, it is an understatement to say that I have been […]
December 20, 2019
How it all began…
Closing in on 6 years since GadflyZone was founded, I had the opportunity to ponder and reminisce..
October 15, 2018
A better self, each day..
Deciding to join GadflyZone has been more of a life choice, than just a career choice.
September 6, 2018
The perfect medley
My life has been a perfect medley of work and play, since my day one @ GadflyZone in February 2017.
February 26, 2018
Reflections from year 1…
365 days and counting. That’s the number of days I’ve completed at GadflyZone. To summarize the “minutes” of my experience would require more than 525600 adjectives […]
April 18, 2017
Travel, Travail & Trivia
When nights blur into days, and sleep to wakefulness, the fuel blend that keeps us going, is the mix of passion and purpose. I just returned […]
February 27, 2017
Growing and teething pains, or?
Almost 3 years ago, Guna and I quit our corporate jobs and decided to begin the GadflyZone adventure. Just like running shoes would tell stories of […]
February 13, 2017
And here comes the next Gadfly…
I am an almost a year-old veteran @GadflyZone. The variety and learning, in working with different customers on different projects on different topics, combined with the […]
November 6, 2016
Never a dull moment in a start up
I am beginning to realize that, “Never a dull moment in a start up” is not a cliché. Customers and projects in various shapes and forms are […]
March 9, 2016
The fun and learning continues…
Time really flies when you are having fun. I am all of eight months old at GadflyZone, but it has felt like home and second nature […]